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首  页 赛事资讯 2022第六届深圳“琵鹭杯”公共艺术精英赛​大赛公告


2022-11-01 3630






























环保性:坚持可持续发展理念,充分考虑其未来的可回收性、可维护性、可重复 利用性、材料易降解性等,推进建设绿色宜居、环境友好的新城。





梅溪湖国际新城品质提升——城市公共艺术品征集内容包括精神堡垒、公园公共艺术品、片区形象 IP、可视化导览,共计四项内容。








3. 每件参赛作品仅可提交一张展板。展板(模板见附件)信息要与参赛者所提交的作品报名表信息对应。若投稿多件作品,则每件作品都需独立附报名表,且每件作品单独对应一张作品展板。

4.请根据成果提交设计作品电子文件一份,设计需用展板展示(展板模板尺寸:A0,1189X841mm),本文件用于最终评选及展览。作品图像文件输出分辨率不小于200dpi,整体文件大小保证在 20MB 以内,文件格式要求JPG,RGB 色彩模式,版面内容主要由作品名称、创意说明、设计方案/策划方案、整体效果图、局部效果图等内容组成。版面中不得出现姓名及其他相关信息。

5.如需增加视频动态文件阐述设计理念和应用,可将发送至指定邮箱 (文件包大小保证在 50MB 以内),不能出现参赛团体和个人信息。






















2022 · The 6th Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition Announcement

I. Background

Since 2017, the Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition has been successfully held five times. The 6th Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition in 2022 aims to bring together a host of brilliant designs featured by sustainability, dynamism, cultural contextuality, and high-tech touch, so as to help advance ecological progress in Changsha Meixi Lake International New Town, exalt the quality of public spaces, and shape the core values and artistic styles of Meixi Lake. As one of China’s first national green, eco-friendly demonstration zones, Changsha Meixi Lake International New Town strives to harness the power of art and design to develop a “Meixi Lake Model” in which art leads urban innovation, and to set a new benchmark for urban design in China. For the purpose of demonstrating the overall image of Meixi Lake International New Town and strengthen its recognition and reputation, we have launched this call for entries to solicit public art design proposals for the main entrances and exits as well as major parks in Meixi Lake International New Town. This Competition is open to organizations and individuals around the world, and welcomes intersectoral or interdisciplinary practitioners and new technology and new energy institutes dedicated to pool wisdom and play a role in the construction of Meixi Lake International New Town.

III. Competition Name and Theme

Name: The 6th Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition – Call for Public Art for Changsha Meixi Lake International New Town

Theme: Art · Ecology · Sharing

III. Schedule

Collection Period: November 01 to December 16, 2022

Reviewing Period: December 19–29, 2022

Awards Announcement Date: December 30, 2022

IV. Organization



Executive Organizers:

Shenzhen New Space Public Art Institute

Public Art Research Center of China, Central Academy of Fine Arts

Shenzhen Guangmei Sculpture Fresco Art Design Co.,Ltd.

Supporting Units:

City Design and Innovation Research Institute, Central Academy of Fine Arts

China Construction Culture and Art Association Public Art Committee

Beijing Central Academy of Public Art

Youth Design 100

V. Participants

This Competition is mainly open to artists, designers, college teachers and students, design studios, as well as enterprises and public institutions across the world that are engaged in urban design. The goal of this Competition is to promote exchanges and cooperation between designers and artists at home and abroad, and strengthen the global influence of Meixi Lake International New Town. There is no limit to the number of entries, and each entry can be signed by no more than six authors.

VI. Design Principles

Based on the environmental features of Meixi Lake International New Town, the public art pieces should be designed in line with the principles of “putting people first”, “highlighting cultural contextuality”, and “leaving leeway,” with a systematic design approach and the public’s perspective in mind.

Harmony: The public art pieces should well match the overall landscape and functional zones of the surrounding area to avoid being obtrusive or isolated.

Artistry: Openness and innovation is encouraged, and a combination of artistic design techniques can be used to create practical and aesthetic art pieces that fit with public spaces.

Contextuality: The public art pieces should align with the urban positioning of Meixi Lake International New Town, have a distinctive theme and vivid image, and embody the unique cultural genes and artistic expressions of Meixi Lake.

Sustainability: The public art pieces should adhere to the concept of sustainability and take into full account recyclability, reusability, and degradability of materials to contribute to the building of a green, livable, and environmentally friendly new town.

High-tech touch: Through the adoption of smart technology, the internet, and digital technology, the public art pieces should integrate into the new town’s smart city management system to facilitate refined municipal management.

Practicality: Based on cutting-edge concepts, the public art pieces should be easy to use, with well-designed features that match the surrounding environment. Attention should be paid to the unity of the project and the coherence of signage design, taking into account the materials, colors, and lighting, so that the art pieces can be conspicuous, easy to maintain, and integrated as one.

Cost-effectiveness: The entries should take into full account the costs and value of the artworks in addition to aesthetics, and ensure the cost-effectiveness and practicality of  materials, construction, and maintenance.

VII. Categories and Design Requirements

The call for entries includes four categories: Spiritual Bastion, Public Art in Park, Visual Identity, and Visual Guide. 

Submission:Entrants can select one or more categories as shown in the table. There is no limit to the number of entries.


VIII. Prizes and Bonus


IX. How to Register and Submit

1. The registration and Q&A channels are now open. Participants can download the exhibition board template, entry form and legal declaration from the dedicated channel on the official website. http://www.nspai.cn

2. Entries must be submitted electronically to the designated email address. The file package should be named in the format of “design category + entrant name + title of entry,” and contain the exhibition board of the entry, registration form (MS Word + scanned copy with signature/stamp), and copyright statement (scanned copy with signature/stamp).

3. Only one exhibition board may be submitted per entry. The information on the exhibition board (see the appendix for the template) should be consistent with the information on the registration form submitted by the entrants. If multiple proposals are submitted, each proposal must come with an independent registration form and exhibition board.

4. Please submit an electronic file of your design for subsequent review and exhibition. The design should be presented on an exhibition board (size of the exhibition board template: A0, 1189 x 841 mm). The output image resolution should be no less than 200 dpi, and the overall file size should be within 20MB. The file should be in JPG format and in RGB mode, and contain such contents as the title of the entry, creativity description, design scheme/plan, overall rendering, and partial rendering. The file should not contain the name of the entrant or other related information.

5. If a video file is needed to explain the design concept and entry, please send it to the designated email address (the file size should be within 50 MB). No information about the participating team or individual is allowed.

6. If any participant fails to use the template, complete the registration form and copyright statement as required, or submit the materials within the specified period, their entries will not qualify for selection.

7. After the entries are reviewed by the jury, the organizing committee will notify the winning entrants and announce the results on the official website.

X. Copyright Statement

1. If an entry receives a first, second, or third prize, all copyrights of the entry shall belong to the organizer, and the bonus shall be deemed as the copyright transfer fee or design fee paid by the organizer to the entrant.

2. Winning individuals or entities may not use, transfer, or recreate the design without the permission of the organizer. They have the right to sign their names, and can mention or display related content of their selected design in magazines, books and periodicals, or other media.

3. The organizer has the right to apply for registration, display, publish, publicize, use, and recreate the winning designs.

4. After the results of the Competition are announced, entries not awarded in selection will be at the disposal of the entrants. If an entry is selected, the entrant shall guarantee that it is their original work. If the entry involves any third-party images, texts, or other materials, the costs incurred shall be borne by the entrant themselves, who shall also ensure non-infringement of any third-party copyright.

5. The organizer has the right to investigate and verify whether the entries are original, involve infringement, etc., and the entrants should coordinate with such efforts and provide any necessary information. However, verification by the organizer shall not exempt the entrants from the liability for infringement.

6. The organizer has the right to cancel the prize awarded to any violating entry, and deal with copyright-infringing entries according to applicable laws and regulations.

7. Any individual or entity who has submitted their entry to the organizer shall be deemed to agree to all the terms of this announcement.

8. The organizer has the right of final interpretation of the selection procedure, criteria, and pertinent regulations of this Competition.

XI. Contact Information

Contact persons and number:

Mr./Ms. Huang: 17610871911; Mr./Ms. Li: 18823663868

(10:00-17:30 on business days)

Official website: http://www.nspai.cn

Email: spoonbillcup@163.com (The Email has auto-reply, If you do not receive it, please contact the committee employee)

WeChat official account: Shenzhen New Space Public Art Institute


Click on the link to download the entry documents

(including design specification, entry form, exhibition board of entries, legal declaration of participants)
