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首  页 赛事资讯 2021第五届深圳“琵鹭杯”公共艺术精英赛暨 深圳市城市轨道交通12、13号线文化艺术方案征集公告

2021第五届深圳“琵鹭杯”公共艺术精英赛暨 深圳市城市轨道交通12、13号线文化艺术方案征集公告

2021-11-11 7336


一、 大赛背景

2019年,《中共中央国务院关于支持深圳建设中国特色社会主义先行示范区的意见》明确了深圳作为可持续发展先锋城市的战略定位。2004至2020年以来,深圳市城市轨道交通新增16条段路,共283站,总长411千米,日均人流量600万人次。在此基础上,为充分体现深圳作为先行示范区的展示窗口,深圳市城市轨道交通建设注重推进功能空间向文化空间的转型,始终坚持以美为媒, 以美育人,提升全社会的审美素养,激发全社会的创新能力,力求通过审美文化讲好中国故事,从而构筑与世界文化交流对话的纽带和路径。



二、 征集主题



三、 时间计划

征集时间:2021年11月15日—— 2021年12月31日24:00

























本次竞赛采用公开报名的方式,具有艺术创作能力的国内外艺术家、设计师个人及团队、机构均可报名参加,不限国别、民族、年龄、性别。参赛作品件数不限,每件参赛作品署名作者最多不超过 6 人。

























2.请根据成果提交设计作品电子文件一份,设计需用展板展示(展板模板尺寸:A0,1189X841mm),本文件用于最终评选及展览。作品图像文件输出分辨率不小于200dpi,整体文件大小保证在 20MB 以内,文件格式要求JPG,RGB 色彩模式,版面内容主要由作品名称、创意说明、设计方案/策划方案、整体效果图、局部效果图等内容组成。版面中不得出现姓名及其他相关信息。

3.如需增加视频动态文件阐述设计理念和应用,可将发送至指定邮箱 (文件包大小保证在 50MB 以内),不能出现参赛团体和个人信息。












大赛事务联系人:靳老师(北京) ;曹老师(深圳)

联系电话:靳老师  18210006831;曹老师:13157170062













Announcement of 5th Shenzhen Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition 2021 and the Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit line 12 and 13 Arts and Culture Proposal Entries


I. Background

In 2019, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Supporting Shenzhen to Build a Pioneering Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics clearly defined Shenzhen’s strategic positioning as a demonstration zone for sustainable development. From 2004 to 2020, Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit built 16 metro lines, with a total of 283 stops and 411 kilometers of track, and daily ridership reaching 6 million passenger trips per day. On this basis, to fully embody Shenzhen as a showcase of the pilot demonstration zone, Shenzhen Rail Transit Construction attaches great importance to promoting the transformation of functional space to cultural space. Throughout the process, the city has always adhered to the concept of aesthetic beauty, thus enhancing artistic quality, and stimulating innovation throughout society. It looks to tell the story of China through aesthetic culture and build a path for communication with the entire world.

Since 2017, the Spoonbill Cup Public Art Competition has carried forward its guiding concept. Four years on, the competition will stick to the theme of innovation, characteristic designs and keeping pace with the times, aiming to solicit proposals for the ongoing Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit line 12 and 13, using the subway system as a shining example. The winning designs will be directly recommended to Shenzhen Metro Group. For the works selected, an agreement will be separately signed, and a copyright fee paid.


II. Event Theme: 

A Journey of Humanity · Art as a Priority——The art-oriented design concept creates a human-centered travel experience that reflects Shenzhen’s cultural leadership as a pioneering city for sustainable development.


III. Schedule

Call for entries: November 15, 2021 - December 31, 2021 24:00

Evaluation period: January 1, 2022 - February 25, 2022

Awards Announcement: early-mid March 2022

Award ceremony and Seminar :Mid-march 2022(The exact time is to be determined)


IV. Location of the collection application

In the space of the station stops of Shenzhen Metro Line 12 and 13



Main Organizers:

Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.

City Design and Innovation Research Institute, Central Academy of Fine Arts

Sculpture Magazine

Executive organizers:

Talents Affairs Bureau of Shenzhen Longgang District

Nanwan Sub-district Office, Longgang District, Shenzhen

Beijing Central Academy of Public Art

Shenzhen Zhongshi Zongheng Design Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen New Space Public Art Institute

Supported by:

China Construction Culture and Art Association Public Art Committee 

Shenzhen Guangmei Sculpture and Fresco Art Design CO.,LTD.

UNESCO Higher Education Innovation Centre (Shenzhen, China)


VI. Participants

The competition is open for registration, domestic and foreign artists, and designers with the ability to create art, as well as teams and organizations, can apply for the competition, regardless of country, nationality, age and gender. There is no limit to the number of entries, and each entry can be signed by no more than 6 authors.


VII. Sections and requirements

The competition is divided into two major sections: the Public Art Proposal category and the Public Art Project category.

1.the Public Art Proposal category   

1) Sites and Topics


2) Requirements

The public art proposal category is to collect public art proposals for the station space of 15 independent stations of Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit line 12 and 13. Participants can choose one or more stations to create their proposals.


3) Submission

For the public art proposal category, only one exhibition board should be submitted for each entry. 

The information on the exhibition board (template in the attachment) should correspond to the information on the entry form submitted by the participant. If multiple proposals are submitted, each proposal must be accompanied by a separate entry form, and each proposal must correspond to a separate exhibition board.



2.Public Art Project category

1) Sites and Topics


2) Requirements 

The Public Art Project category is to collect public art projects for the six thematic line sections of Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit line 12 and 13. (The Path of Nature contains 4 sites, the Vein of Humanity contains 7 sites, the Network of Technology contains 15 sites, the Technology Sharing contains 7 sites, the Life Sharing contains 3 sites, the Ecological sharing contains 8 sites.) That is, around the corresponding theme of each line segment, you need to systematize the planning of all the stations included in the line segment, including the concept of planning, the idea of planning, the theme of planning, the way of presentation and the form of landing, etc., and develop a whole set or more sets of public art project cases.

3) Submission

For public art projects, each work should be submitted with 2 to 4 exhibition boards, including 1 to 2 of planning content (planning concept, planning ideas, planning theme, presentation and landing form and other related planning content) and 1 to 2 of sample station design plans. (* sample station can be selected from several stations in the selected theme line section, requiring select at least 1 station for sample program design display)

The information on the exhibition board (template in the attachment) should correspond to the information on the entry form submitted by the participant. If multiple projects are submitted, each project must be accompanied by a separate entry form, and each project must correspond to a separate exhibition board.



VIII. Awards

1. Awards Description

In the Public Art Proposal category, there will be 15 Implementation Awards and 30 Winning Awards; in the Public Art Project category, there will be 6 implementation Awards and 12 Winning Awards. All Implementation Award winners will receive trophies, honorary certificates and bonus, and all Winning Award winners will receive honorary certificates and bonus. All intellectual property rights of the winning works, except for the attribution rights, are jointly owned by the organizer and the author.


2. Awards and Bonus


IX. Submitting Cautions

1. All participants should visit the official website: http://nspai.cn to download the design statement, the template of the exhibition board, the entry form, and the copyright declaration.

2. Please submit one electronic file of the design work according to the completed work, the design needs to be displayed on an exhibition board (exhibition board template size: A0, 1189X841mm), this file is used for the final evaluation and exhibition. The image file output resolution should be at least 200dpi, the overall file size should be within 20MB, the file format should be JPG, RGB color mode, the layout content mainly consists of the work name, creative description, design proposal/plan, overall effect, partial effect, etc. Name and other related information cannot appear in the layout.

3. If you want to add a video dynamic file to illustrate the design concept and application, you can send it to the designated email address (the size of the file package must be within 50MB). The group and personal information of the participants cannot appear.

4. Entries must be sent in the form of an electronic file package, file name: Line Number + Station Name + Author; file package contains: exhibition board of entries, application form (word + scanned copy after signature/stamp), legal declaration of participants (scanned copy after signature/stamp), submitted through the official Contribution Email.

5. Works that are not submitted with the entry template, works with incomplete Registration Form and Participant's Legal Declaration, and works with late submission materials will not be accepted.

6 After the jury evaluates the entries, the organizing committee will notify the selected contestants of the results and publish them on the organizer's official website。


X. Intellectual Property

1. The copyright of the entries is protected by Chinese law, and all intellectual property rights of the works of art that have won awards and been implemented, except for the right of attribution, are jointly owned by the organizer and the author.

2.The organizers reserve all the rights for the final decisions of all documents of this call for entries, these rules included. Any outstanding matters related to this call for entries shall be further stipulated or explained by the organizers. 

3. The entries shall not infringe on the right of patent, copyright, trademark, reputation or any other legal rights and interests of the third party, and in case of dispute, the responsibility shall be borne by the participant.

4. The organizers have the right to compile and publish, exhibit, and distribute the works of this activity project as well as launch public welfare publicity for free use.

5. The organizers reserve all the rights for the final decisions.


XI. Contact information

Contacts for the competition: Miss Jin(Beijing); Miss Cao(Shenzhen)

Tel:Miss Jin 18210006831; Miss Cao: 13157170062

(Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:30, except holidays) 

Official website:http://nspai.cn

Contribution Email:spoonbillcup@163.com

WeChat Official Account:



Click on the link to download the entry documents

(including design specification, entry form, exhibition board of entries, legal declaration of participants)
